‘Neraka Bocor’ di Arab Saudi, Nyawa Pekerja Lapangan Terancam

Foto: (AP/Amr Nabil)

Arab Saudi tengah mengalami suhu panas ekstrem hingga mencapai hampir 50 derajat Celcius. Panas mendidih ini dilaporkan telah mengancam nyawa masyarakat, terutama mereka yang bekerja di lapangan.

Dikutip dari AFP, seorang warga asal Pakistan yang bermukim di Arab Saudi, Mohammed menceritakan panas ekstrem ini membuatnya selalu merasa letih. “Cuacanya sangat panas dan mataharinya sangat menyengat. Saya selalu merasa lelah dan letih,” kata Mohammed dikutip Sabtu, (17/8/2024).

Arab Saudi selama ini memang dikenal menjadi salah satu negara terpanas di dunia karena kondisi geografi yang didominasi padang pasir. Namun, panas ekstrem yang menyengat belakangan ini diduga dipicu oleh efek perubahan iklim.

Akibat perubahan iklim, para ahli memperingatkan musim panas di Arab Saudi yang terik bisa menjadi lebih panjang dan lebih panas. Pada Juni sebenarnya Arab Saudi sudah melihat efek dari panas terik luar biasa itu. Kala itu, lebih dari 1.300 orang meninggal saat melaksanakan ibadah haji tahunan Muslim di Mekkah.

Untuk melindungi nyawa pekerja, pemerintah Arab Saudi melarang mereka bekerja di bawah sinar matahari langsung dan area terbuka antara tengah hari sampai pukul 15.00. Aturan akan berlaku sampai September sebagai bagian dari kebijakan ‘istirahat siang’ yang telah lama diadopsi oleh berbagai negara Teluk.

Pekerja seperti Mohammed menjadi yang kurang beruntung karena bekerja di sektor pengiriman. Akibatnya, dia harus tetap bekerja di area terbuka walaupun sudah ada anjuran istirahat siang itu.

Setali tiga uang, seorang pengemudi pengantar asal Bangladesh berusia 22 tahun bernama Shakil juga tak bisa menikmati kemewahan istirahat siang itu. Dia harus tetap melaksanakan pekerjaannya kendati matahari sedang panas-panasnya.

“Matahari sangat terik, tetapi saya tidak bisa bolos kerja di siang hari,” katanya.

“Saya akan kehilangan banyak uang,” ujarnya.

Menurut laporan terbaru badan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB), Organisasi Perburuhan Internasional (ILO) pekerja di negara-negara Arab menghadapi paparan stres panas tertinggi di dunia. Di mana 83,6% menderita paparan panas berlebihan di tempat kerja.

“Bekerja di bawah terik matahari siang di Arab Saudi menimbulkan risiko kesehatan yang serius bagi para pekerja pengiriman,” kata peneliti nonresiden senior di Middle East Institute di Washington, Karim Elgendy.

“Tubuh mereka dapat menjadi terlalu panas dan berbahaya, yang dapat menyebabkan kondisi yang berpotensi mengancam jiwa seperti sengatan panas,” ujarnya.

“Tekanan untuk memenuhi tenggat waktu pengiriman seringkali membuat para pekerja sulit untuk beristirahat yang cukup, yang berpotensi meniadakan tindakan perlindungan seperti minum air dan mengenakan pakaian tipis,” jelasnya.

Pada awal Januari 2024 lalu, Jam Kiamat 2024 menjelaskan Bumi semakin dekat dengan kehancuran. Salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan kehancuran itu adalah perubahan iklim karena tidak kuatnya komitmen untuk mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca.

Kini, berbagai penelitian bak membuktikan hal itu benar-benar bisa terjadi. Seperti yang tertuang dalam laporan terbaru para ilmuwan di University of Colorado Boulder (CU) yang menjelaskan pencairan es di Samudra Arktik maju satu dekade atau 10 tahun lebih cepat.


Ungkap Aliran Dana Cuci Uang Harvey Moeis, ke Sandra Dewi

Foto: Terdakwa kasus dugaan korupsi pengelolaan tata niaga komoditas timah Harvey Moeis mengikuti sidang perdana di Pengadilan Tipikor, Jakarta, Rabu (14/8/2024). (CNBC Indonesia/Faisal Rahman)

Harvey Moeis dan Helena Lim diduga memperkaya diri sendiri sebanyak Rp420 miliar dalam kasus korupsi Timah. Adapun dari uang tersebut, sebagian dibelanjakan Harvey untuk membeli kendaraan mewah hingga tas branded untuk Sandra Dewi.

Selain Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Harvey Moeis diketahui juga didakwa dengan Undang-undang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang (TPPU). Ia disangkakan melanggar Pasal 4 dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2010 tentang TPPU jo Pasal 55 ayat (1) ke-1 KUHP.

Jaksa Penuntut Umum (JPU) Wazir Imam Supriyanto mengatakan, Harvey dibantu oleh Crazy Rich PIK Helena Lim yang memiliki perusahaan money changer PT Quantum Skyline Exchange. Uang rupiah uang ditukarkan suami Sandar Dewi itu menjadi dolar Singapura dan Amerika dalam periode 2018 sampai 2023.

“Harvey Moeis (diduga melakukan) merupakan perbuatan menempatkan, menyembunyikan, atau menyamarkan sehingga seolah-olah harta kekayaan tersebut tidak ada kaitannya sebagai uang hasil tindak pidana korupsi,” kata JPU pada Kejagung di Pengadilan Tipikor di Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Pusat, Rabu, (14/8/2024).

Dari tindakan ini, Harvey diduga membeli sejumlah aset berupa rumah dan tanah. Salah satunya yakni lahan yang ada di Jalan Haji Kelik, Jakarta Barat atas nama Sandra Dewi.

Selain itu, Harvey diduga memberi uang untuk Sandra Dewi yang kemudian digunakan untuk membayar cicilan dan pelunasan rumah, membayar tanah, membeli 88 tas, dan 141 perhiasan bermerek mahal. JPU bahkan menjabarkan merek-merek tas tersebut yang kebanyakan bermerk Hermes dan Louis Vuitton.

Selain untuk Sandra Dewi, Harvey membeli delapan mobil yakni Toyota Vellfire, Lexus RX 300, Porsche 911, Ferrari 458, Mercedes Benz, Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale, Mini Cooper, dan Rolls Royce.

Selain itu, terungkap pula bahwa ada sejumlah uang yang ditaruh di safe deposito box. Besarannya sejumlah USD400 ribu, satu UBS gold bar 3 gram, dan satu logam mulia sebesar 100 gram.

“(Lalu) satu buah logam mulia bar dengan berat 100 gram dengan nomor GBN064 dan satu buah logam mulia gold bar yang berada dalam boks berwarna merah dengan berat 88 gram,” kata Wazir.

Pembelaan Sandra Dewi

Sebelumnya, Sandra Dewi (SD) melalui kuasa hukumnya bersikeras bahwa tas yang disita oleh Kejaaksaan Agung adalah hasil endorse sehingga tidak sepatutnya disita menjadi barang bukti kasus korupsi yang menjerat suaminya, Harvey Moeis.

Kuasa hukum Harvey Moeis Harris Arthur Hedar mengatakan, 88 tas branded yang disita Kejagung tersebut tidak tersangkut kasus perkara dugaan tindak pidana korupsi dalam komoditas timah tahun 2015-2022.

“Itu hasil yang didapat dari hasil keringat ibu SD yang telah diklarifikasi oleh penyidik. Bahwasannya itu memang benar didapat dari hasil endorse ya,” ungkap Harris saat ditemui di Kejaksaan Negeri (Kejari) Jakarta Selatan, dikutip Sabtu, (27/7/2024).

Sandra Dewi mengaku keberatan atas hal ini. Dengan begitu, pihaknya akan membuktikan kebenaran klaim tersebut di pengadilan

IHSG Dibuka Naik 0,55%, Kembali Menuju Level 7.400

Foto: Karyawan berada di dekat layar pergerakan Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) di Bursa Efek Indonesia, Jakarta, Senin (12/8/2024). (CNBC Indonesia/Tri Susilo)

Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dibuka kembali bergairah pada awal perdagangan sesi I Rabu (14/8/2024), di tengah respons positif pelaku pasar global terkait data inflasi produsen Amerika Serikat (AS) periode Juli 2024 yang lebih baik dari ekspektasi.

Pada pembukaan perdagangan hari ini, IHSG dibuka menguat 0,55% ke posisi 7.396,76. Selang lima menit setelah dibuka, penguatan IHSG sedikit terpangkas yakni menguat 0,42% ke 7.387,22. IHSG masih berada di level psikologis 7.300.

Nilai transaksi indeks pada awal sesi I hari ini sudah mencapai sekitar Rp 666 miliar dengan volume transaksi mencapai 1,3 miliar lembar saham dan sudah ditransaksikan sebanyak 55.749 kali.

IHSG cenderung kembali bergairah setelah data inflasi produsen AS pada periode Juli 2024 dirilis dan angkanya lebih baik dari ekspektasi pasar sebelumnya.

Indeks harga produsen (producer price index/PPI) untuk permintaan akhir naik tipis 0,1% pada Juli lalu, setelah naik 0,2% tanpa revisi pada Juni 2024, berdasarkan data dari Biro Statistik Tenaga Kerja Departemen Tenaga Kerja AS.

Angka ini lebih baik dari ekspektasi pasar sebelumnya. Ekonom yang disurvei oleh Reuters memperkirakan PPI naik 0,2%. Dalam 12 bulan hingga Juli, PPI meningkat 2,2% setelah naik 2,7% pada Juni.

Harga produsen AS meningkat kurang dari yang diharapkan pada Juli karena biaya jasa turun paling banyak dalam hampir sekitar satu tahun di tengah tanda-tanda menurunnya daya penetapan harga untuk bisnis, bukti memudarnya tekanan inflasi yang memperkuat harapan penurunan suku bunga bulan depan.

Harga jasa turun 0,2%, penurunan terbesar sejak Maret 2023, setelah naik 0,4% pada Juni. Penurunan tersebut mencerminkan penurunan 1,3% dalam jasa perdagangan, yang mengukur perubahan margin yang diterima oleh pedagang grosir dan pengecer, penurunan terbesar untuk kategori tersebut sejak Februari 2015. Margin perdagangan naik 1,4% pada Juni.

Setelah dirilisnya data inflasi produsen yang lebih baik dari ekspektasi pasar, saat ini pasar masih menanti rilis data indeks harga konsumen (IHK) AS periode Juli 2024 yang akan dirilis malam nanti waktu Indonesia.

Konsensus pasar dalam Trading Economics memperkirakan inflasi AS tahunan akan turun 0,1 basis poin menjadi 2,9% (year-on-year/yoy) pad Juli 2024, dari sebelumnya 3% pada Juni lalu (yoy).

Sementara AS akan mengalami inflasi secara bulanan menjadi 0,2% setelah sebelumnya deflasi 0,1%. Inflasi inti AS diperkirakan akan menjadi 3,2% yoy dibanding bulan sebelumnya 3,3% yoy.

Kedua data ini dinilai penting dalam mempertimbangkan kebijakan moneter bank sentral AS (The Federal Reserve/The Fed) yang akan diumumkan pada September. Para pelaku pasar meyakini akan ada pemangkasan suku bunga pada pertemuan bulan tersebut.

Pasar keuangan mengantisipasi pemangkasan suku bunga sebesar 25 hingga 50 basis poin (bp) pada September, diikuti oleh pemangkasan serupa pada pertemuan November dan Desember.

Berdasarkan perangkat Fedwatch, peluang The Fed memangkas suku bunga pada Desember sangat besar. Bahkan lebih besar kemungkinan bank sentral AS itu menurunkan suku bunga sebanyak 50 basis poin menjadi 4,75% – 5,00% sebesar 51,5% dari saat ini 5,25%-5,50%.

Setelah September, pada dua pertemuan berikutnya pasar meyakini The Fed kembali memangkas suku bunganya. Sebesar 25 basis poin pada pertemuan November dan 25 basis poin pada Desember. Sehingga pada akhir tahun suku bunga The Fed berada di 4,25%-4,50%.

The Fed telah mempertahankan suku bunga acuannya dalam kisaran 5,25%-5,50% saat ini selama setahun, setelah menaikkannya sebesar 525 basis poin pada tahun 2022 dan 2023.

Water, power supplies ready for Independence Day ceremony at IKN

Supplies of water and electricity are ready to be used during the national ceremony of Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day in Nusantara Capital City (IKN), according to the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry.

Head of PUPR Ministry’s Task Force for IKN Infrastructure Development Danis Sumadilaga stated in Jakarta on Friday that ready-to-drink water has been flowing to the city’s main drinking water reservoir and is ready for distribution to residents.

Regarding power supply, he assured that state-run electricity company PT PLN had prepared all the requisite infrastructures and resources.

The PUPR Ministry conducted the third water flow test for the water supply by channeling it from the Sepaku Drinking Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to the main reservoir located at Nusantara’s highest point.

The water flow test is an important part of the operation of the Sepaku drinking water supply system (SPAM), which is instrumental in ensuring sufficient supply of water for IKN residents.

Sepaku SPAM consists of a WTP with a capacity of 300 liters per second, a 16-kilometer-long transmission pipe, a reservoir, and a 22-kilometer-long distribution pipe.

Phase 1 of the Sepaku SPAM is expected to serve several buildings, including the Presidential Office and State Palace, as well as the buildings of the State Secretariat Ministry, the Presidential Guard Forces (Paspampres), and four coordinating ministries.

It will also provide water to ministerial houses, residences for civil servants, galleries, amphitheaters, and service areas, as well as a range of public facilities, such as hotels, schools, shops, and hospitals.

Following the flow test, the government proceeded to drain the water network system and monitor the water quality to ensure that the water supplied to IKN is clean and conforms to applicable health standards.

Indonesia invites South Korea to develop EV ecosystem in ASEAN

Indonesia’s Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi invited South Korea to celebrate its 35 years of ties with the ASEAN by contributing to the creation of a suitable ecosystem for electric vehicles (EV) in Southeast Asia.

At the ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference with the Republic of Korea in Vientiane, Laos, on Friday, Marsudi highlighted the importance of taking steps to implement the ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Developing Regional EV Ecosystem, which was produced during Indonesia’s 2023 ASEAN chairmanship.

“In order to become a green region in the future, it is vital that the ASEAN enhance its capacity to utilize and create advanced technologies, especially EV,” she remarked, citing her office’s statement received in Jakarta.

The minister underscored that the Southeast Asian region had been witnessing positive trends in its EV market, with the value having hit USD1.14 billion this year.

She added that the value is projected to propel to USD4.70 billion in 2029.

On that note, Marsudi suggested that ASEAN and South Korea work together to develop the region’s EV ecosystem by leveraging Southeast Asian countries’ comparative advantages and boosting investments in the EV sector.

Apart from EV-related matters, the ASEAN and South Korean foreign affairs ministers attending the conference also discussed the prolonged tension in the Korean Peninsula.

“It is crucial to take firm yet prudent steps to address the situation in the Korean Peninsula while ensuring that communication and dialogue channels remain viable,” Marsudi stressed.

She added that ASEAN and South Korea must play a prominent role in encouraging development in the region.

The minister further remarked that both parties should strengthen their commitment to paving the way for an open, transparent, and inclusive regional architecture.

Marsudi also made the most of the conference to encourage South Korea to affirm its support for Palestine by pushing for a permanent ceasefire between Hamas and Israel while advocating uninterrupted distribution of humanitarian aid.

“I hope that South Korea will soon recognize Palestine’s statehood and voice support for the country’s effort to become a full member of the United Nations,” she remarked.

The ministerial conference was also organized to prepare for the launch of the ASEAN-South Korea Comprehensive Strategic Partnership at the 25th ASEAN-South Korea Summit in October.

Nusantara’s Ceremonial Plaza ready to host I-Day ceremony in August

 Nusantara City’s Ceremonial Plaza is ready to host Indonesia’s 79th Independence Day ceremony on August 17, 2024, according to the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry.

“The Ceremonial Plaza in Indonesia’s new capital is ready for use, and we are readying for it right now,” the ministry’s Nusantara City Infrastructure Development Planning Task Force Head, Imam Santoso Ernawi, stated here on Friday.

Ernawi noted that the plaza is located in front of Nusantara’s Presidential Palace, which recently reached its topping-out stage and can accommodate up to eight thousand people.

In a break from tradition, this year’s Independence Day ceremony will take place both in Nusantara and the current national capital, Jakarta.

President Joko Widodo, accompanied by President-elect Prabowo Subianto, will preside over the ceremony in Nusantara. At the same time, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin will chair the ceremony in Jakarta with Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Ernawi stated that a building located near the plaza would serve as an information center to help visitors in the new capital and a business center to accommodate local enterprises.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN), Raja Juli Antoni, stated that Nusantara’s Ceremonial Plaza is emblematic of the undying fighting spirit of the Indonesian nation to develop their country in a better direction.

He affirmed that the plaza also reflects the spirit of national heroes in their fight for Indonesia’s independence, which the younger generation should be inspired by to contribute to the nation.

IKN presidential office, palace to be ready before I-Day: task force

The task force for infrastructure development in the new capital city (IKN) Nusantara has informed that the Presidential Office and Palace at IKN will be ready before the Independence Day ceremony on August 17, 2024.

“The Presidential Office and Palace can be used before August 17, for the building and others,” head of the task force, Danis Sumadilaga, informed on Friday.

Based on information from the Presidential Secretariat and the State Secretariat, the furniture for the Presidential Office and Palace have arrived at IKN, he added.

The Presidential Secretariat has started to furnish the office. Along with the Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Ministry, the secretariat is also preparing all that the President will need to work at IKN.

According to Sumadilaga, certain furniture items such as tables, lamps, chairs, and office equipment have been procured. However, their procurement has not been completed yet.

The Presidential Secretariat is also continuing preparations for the Independence Day ceremony, which is planned to be held in two locations, namely IKN and Jakarta, this year.

To provide details on the series of events for Independence Day, the government will hold a press conference at the end of this month.

Sumadilaga said that the IKN is ready to hold the Independence Day ceremony with maximum preparations.

The supply of ready-to-drink water has been readied at the city’s main drinking water reservoir for distribution to residents, he informed.

Regarding the power supply, he assured that state-run electricity company PT PLN has prepared all the requisite infrastructures and resources.

The PUPR Ministry has conducted the third water flow test for the water supply by channeling it from the Sepaku Drinking Water Treatment Plant (WTP) to the main reservoir located at Nusantara’s highest point.

The water flow test is an important part of the operation of the Sepaku drinking water supply system (SPAM), which would be instrumental in ensuring sufficient supply of water for IKN residents.

Indonesia world’s largest exporter of rattan products: Ministry

Indonesia is the largest exporter of rattan products in the world, contributing 42.2 percent to the total value of the world’s rattan exports, according to the Indonesian Ministry of Industry.

“The value of Indonesia’s exports of rattan products hit USD158.5 million, thereby accounting for 42.2 percent of the world’s total value of rattan exports, which stood at USD375.6 million,” the ministry’s Agro-Industry Director General, Putu Juli Ardika, remarked here on Friday.

He underlined that Indonesia accounts for 80 percent of rattan on the global market, noting that a total of 306 rattan species can be found in the country. However, only 28 species have been utilized commercially.

The director general remarked that the Ministry of Industry had distributed 12 rattan processing machines to a local technical implementation unit (UPTD) for the rattan industry in Katingan District, Central Kalimantan, in a bid to boost the industry’s contribution to the national economy.

Ardika noted that assistance machines were also provided to strengthen the rattan furniture industry’s supply chain and address raw material shortages.

He expressed hope that the UPTD would make the most of the machines provided to yield benefits from Central Kalimantan’s potential, with the end goal of boosting the contribution of the rattan industry to Indonesia’s foreign exchange.

The official highlighted that Central Kalimantan is home to 137 species of rattan, the highest in the country.

According to data released by the Industry Ministry last year, the average monthly production volume of the national rattan furniture industry was recorded at 284,800 tons while that of the national rattan processing industry stood at 17,600 tons.

VP Amin urges Southeast Asian da’is to safeguard Muslim dignity

Indonesia’s Vice President Ma’ruf Amin on Friday called upon Southeast Asian da’is, or Islamic preachers, to continue spreading Islamic teachings to prevent Muslims from becoming a weak and marginalized community.

“We cannot afford to let Muslims become a weak, marginalized group. We should not leave our fellow Muslims in a weak state. Keep this in mind when engaging in Dawah (preaching),” he told the participants of the International Conference for Southeast Asian Da’is here.

To strengthen Muslim dignity, he said, da’is should work to guide believers away from any thoughts and conducts that are at odds with Islamic teachings and God’s orders.

“It is important to find ways to save Muslims that are still consuming non-halal foods and beverages and making economic transactions that violate Islamic law,” he added.

Amin also appealed to Southeast Asian da’is to convey messages about the importance of Muslims maintaining a sense of unity among themselves.

“Keeping Muslims together as a unit is not less important, as we can be divided by external influences,” he stressed.

The Vice President then highlighted Indonesia’s practice of encouraging its huge Muslim population to gain religious comprehension and knowledge of a level comparable to santris, or students of Islamic boarding schools.

“We are aiming to ‘santrinize’ our Muslims,” he underlined.

In his speech, Amin also lauded the holding of the international conference and the establishment of a forum of Southeast Asian da’is, which he expects to spread moderate teachings of Islam in the region.

Earlier, chairperson of the conference’s organizing committee, Cholil Nafis, read out the Declaration on the Establishment of the International Forum of Southeast Asian Da’is.

The declaration was signed by representatives from the ulema councils of Malaysia, Myanmar, Timor-Leste, Thailand, Laos, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

Self-belief vital for Indonesia’s Olympic hopes: PBSI

The ad hoc team manager of the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI), Armand Darmadji, has said that he believes self-confidence is crucial for Indonesian badminton athletes to excel at the 2024 Paris Olympics.

With rigorous preparation and unwavering support, the athletes are expected to showcase their best abilities on the grand stage.

“I urge all of you to believe in your capabilities. You’ve undergone extensive training and possess valuable experience. Now is the time to demonstrate your skills,” he added on Friday.

The athletes’ self-assurance has been significantly enhanced following a nine-day training camp in Chambly, France.

Supported by a team of psychologists and mentors, they are poised to conquer any challenges at the Olympics.

“We all anticipate that the athletes’ two-week training will translate into exceptional on-court performance,” Armand said.

The Indonesian badminton team is determined to maintain its tradition of winning gold medals at the upcoming Olympics in Paris.

Badminton is the sport in which Indonesia has consistently won Olympic gold.

Susi Susanti, Alan Budikusuma, Rexy Mainaky/Ricky Subagja, Tony Gunawan/Candra Wijaya, Taufik Hidayat, Markis Kido/Hendra Setiawan, Tontowi Ahmad/Liliyana Natsir, and Greysia Polii/Apriyani Rahayu are badminton athletes who have won gold for the country at the Olympics.

Indonesian women’s doubles pair Apriyani Rahayu and Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti have intensified their focus and strategy to confront Japan’s Mayu Matsumoto and Wakana Nagahara in their opening match at the 2024 Olympics group stage on Saturday (July 27, 2024).

“We’ve meticulously analyzed our opponents’ gameplay, especially tomorrow’s match against the Japanese pair. While we hold a winning record against them, every encounter is challenging,” Fadia said.

“Maintaining concentration and executing our game plan will be crucial,” she added.

Apri concurred, saying that the Olympic atmosphere is palpable within the Paris Olympic Athletes’ Village. The opportunity to interact with world-class athletes from various nations has been inspiring.

The Tokyo 2020 Olympic gold medalist expressed her determination to perform optimally as Indonesia’s first competitor on Saturday.

“From the initial stages to the training camp, culminating in our arrival a week before the competition, the training regimen has undergone significant adjustments. Thankfully, we feel well-prepared,” she said.

“I haven’t provided any specific guidance to Fadia. I trust in her ability to deliver her best performance in her Olympic debut,” she added.

Several Indonesian representatives will commence their Olympic journey in the group stage on Saturday, starting at 4 p.m. Western Indonesian Time (WIB).

Rahayu and Ramadhanti will confront Japanese pair Matsumoto and Nagahara in Group A women’s doubles.

In men’s doubles, Fajar Alfian and Muhammad Rian Ardianto will face Germany’s Mark Lamsfuss and Marvin Seidel in Group C.

In mixed doubles, Rinov Rivaldy and Pitha Haningtyas Mentari will challenge South Korea’s Kim Won Ho and Jeong Na Eun in Group A.

Meanwhile, third-seeded men’s singles player Jonatan Christie will encounter Belgian Julien Carraggi in Group L.